Electrical Conformance Board

The business

It is an unbiased organisation where the general public , manufacturers, importers, designers, installers and the regulator use the ECB as their partner and interface between themselves and the various industry stakeholders. Promoting conformance, co-operation and support, the ECB works closely with organizations, such as the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), to assist in the regulation of the industry.

Gallery available, tap/click on the image to open

Delivered solution

SPA written with Vue! The site has 3 account types, each seeing a different "dashboard", one aimed for Corporations, other for Individuals, and last one for the Staff


  • Multiple faces site
  • Advanced PDF manipulation and generation
  • Work/tasks assignment/delegation (e.g managers may assign work to electricians)
  • Custom 3rd party integration for visualizing maps at South Africa